Friday, February 22, 2008

How Does Your Light Shine?

The first cassette tape I ever owned was given to me by my uncle Curt. He probably doesn't even remember giving it to me, but it's a moment I think back to often.

We were at my grandma and grandpa's house on a Sunday and I was messing around with one of those old time tape player/recorders. I'm not sure if it was even mine or not but I do know that I took it home with me. My uncle saw me playing around with it and said"Here!" and handed me a cassette. I put it in the player and hit the combination play/record button (remember the little red nub-type button?). The song that came on was life changing...

At that point in my very short life, it was the "coolest" thing I had heard and was instantly in love with the melody. It peaked my imagination and tweaked my senses. It instantly had me wondering where this place is, what it looks like, how beautiful it must be. Trying to picture it in my mind the whole time.

It was Shambala by Three Dog Night. I never looked at music the same.

Each song a story or chapter. Each album a book. And for me, it is one moment in time. A moment when my life froze, a snapshot was taken and filed in my picture book of a brain. To view later and just remember.

Thanks uncle Curt...